Database Error

(1267) Illegal mix of collations (gb2312_chinese_ci,IMPLICIT) and (gbk_chinese_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'like'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM enterprise_businesses as t LEFT JOIN enterprise_category AS c ON t.cateid = c.cateid WHERE 1 AND c.status=1 AND t.status=1 AND t.isshow=1 AND (( LIKE '%改灯%') OR (t.propaganda LIKE '%改灯%') OR (t.introduction LIKE '%改灯%') OR ( LIKE '%改灯%') OR (t.weburl LIKE '%改灯%') OR (t.address LIKE '%改灯%') OR (t.qq LIKE '%改灯%') OR (t.brandno LIKE '%改灯%') OR (t.msn LIKE '%改灯%') OR (t.wangwang LIKE '%改灯%') OR (t.baiduhi LIKE '%改灯%') OR ( LIKE '%改灯%') OR ( LIKE '%改灯%') OR (t.weburl LIKE '%改灯%') OR (t.description LIKE '%改灯%') OR (t.keywords LIKE '%改灯%') OR (t.birthprovince LIKE '%改灯%') OR (t.birthcity LIKE '%改灯%') OR (t.birthdist LIKE '%改灯%') OR (t.birthcommunity LIKE '%改灯%') OR (t.srbirthprovince LIKE '%改灯%') OR (t.srbirthcity LIKE '%改灯%') OR (t.srbirthdist LIKE '%改灯%') OR (t.srbirthcommunity LIKE '%改灯%') OR (t.mappos LIKE '%改灯%') OR (t.googlemappos LIKE '%改灯%') OR (t.brandtag LIKE '%改灯%'))
dzֿǰҳͼ͸ͷQQϵ˫믳Ƹװͷ1003999990 ΢ţ 13911055089л˫믳ƸװĴ֧֣ף죡 Ѿ˳Ϣϸ¼, ɴ˸ķʲǸ.